
Spaghetti Western

This is one of two pieces that I created for the Clutch Spaghetti Western show at the Mercury Lounge this December. It's called Once Upon a Time in the West: Hope.



Clutch Vernissage

The Clutch art collective, which consists of Clare Brennan (founder), Alain Brunet, Jim Kohan, Michael "Zeke" Zavacky and myself, rides off into the sunset at the Mercury Lounge (56 Byward Street, upstairs) this December with a Spaghetti Western theme show! Our vernissage on Sunday, December 2 kicks things off in style, when we're joined by extra special guests The Bible All-Stars! The show starts at 8, and the band will be on at around 9. It's going to be a great night. Listen to the Bible All-Stars here. Have a look at Clutch here.



New Globe and Mail Illustration

This is my most recent piece for the lovely people at the Globe and Mail. It was for the front of the Automotive section, accompanying an article about the pitfalls Canadians face importing a car from the United States.

New Clutch Blog

I now have a little Clutch blog, an offshoot of the main Clutch website (Clutch being the art collective I've been a part of for several years now). You can have a look at the blog here. Our Spaghetti Western theme show will be at the Mercury Lounge in December, so check back soon to get the latest. For now, here's one of the pieces I created for the Fish show we had at the Shanghai a while ago.



Hallowe'en Greetings

Just found this email card that I created last year for friends, and thought I'd share itHalloweenweb.jpg as Hallowe'en is just a few days away...