
Profit Magazine

The October issue of Profit magazine is now out, and on page 45 you'll find the illustration I did for an article about the five hard lessons learned by leading entrepreneurs. My concept was of the ship sailing into safe harbour after weathering storms and other near-disasters along the way.


Globe and Mail Illustration

Sorry I'm a little late about this, but if you still happen to have yesterday's (Sept. 23) Globe and Mail around, you'll find an illustration of mine in the Facts and Arguments section. It's for an article by Stacey Brose about her lack of middle name, and what it means in terms of the family tradition of handing down names through generations.



I'm going to be away from my studio for an extended holiday weekend, leaving on Saturday August 30 and returning to work on Wednesday September 3. I'll still be checking my email occasionally, though, so if you need to get in touch with me you can leave me an email and I'll respond as soon as I can.

Have a great Labour Day weekend!


Benefits Magazine August 2008

My illustration in the August 2008 issue of Benefits Magazine is now out. It's for an article about global pension innovations.


Nova Scotia

I'm back from my little holiday in beautiful Nova Scotia. The occasion was a fun one -- my stepmum arranged for my brother and I to fly down to surprise my Dad on his birthday (they had both flown there a few days earlier), and it went perfectly -- he was utterly dumbfounded but very happy. The weather was foggy for the most part, but despite the somewhat gloomy skies it was still a great trip. Here are some of the photos I took of the places I visited during my very short and very busy holiday -- Lunenburg, LeHave, Crescent Beach, Halifax, Blue Rocks and Chester.